About VeinSeek and VeinScanner
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VeinSeek Pro was the world's first smartphone vein finder app. It turns an ordinary smartphone camera into a vein-viewing device without the need for external equipment. VeinSeek Pro is currently available for iPhone and other iOS devices worldwide.
VeinScanner is the follow-up to VeinSeek, with improved contrast, zoom functionality, and simulated infra-red to better replicate the look and feel of a dedicated vein scanning device.
VeinSeek Pro's technology is currently also available for Android devices worldwide, but with performance limitations due to the variability in phone and camera specifications for various Android devices.
VeinSeek Pro was partly inspired by work conducted at the Center for Product Design and Manufacturing at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore: http://cpdm.iisc.ac.in/cpdm/
VeinSeek Pro, VeinScanner, VeinScanner Pro and VeinSeek Android are published by VeinSeek, LLC.
How Do Our Vein Finder Apps Work?
VeinSeek Pro and VeinScanner Pro take advantage of multispectral imaging principles and the intrinsic optical properties of skin to produce enhanced images of veins; they do so by boosting oxyhemoglobin/deoxyhemoglobin absorption contrast and reducing the contribution of superficially-scattered and specularly-reflected light to the overall image. VeinScanner uses additional proprietary contrast boosting techniques to further improve vein visualization.
Follow us on Twitter: @VeinSeek
RT @DitchDocEM: @christifulli88 I honestly thought it would be junk, but it works great! Awesome results on olive skin. Hey… https://t.co/yarbfPMDOE
Hey @NursingProbs. We've created an app to help find veins for tricky IVs... @VeinSeek for your iPhone. Want to share our nursing solution?
#VeinSeek, the vein finder app, is now also available for Android! Download here: https://t.co/wdUpVsyFRw
The only vein finder app for your iPhone - no special equipment necessary! Check us out on our new webpage at… https://t.co/rg54vXpV41
"I used this last night on four pediatric patients. I bought the app for fun, but then it actually worked. It helped quite a bit on two of the patients. I could not have gotten the vein I did on the nine month old without this." - Facebook user
"What an amazing app!! This works like a charm. I was super skeptical at first, but time and again this app has found veins that I can't see with the naked eye. Way easier and more convenient than ultrasound. Perfect for the middle of the night. This works best when there is a lot of light...use the flashlight if you can't turn the lights up in the room. So happy I bought this!!" - App Store reviewer, United States
"Great all! I was hesitant at first but thought I'd give it a try. You can definitely visualise more veins than you can palpate. As well as this moles on the skin are contrasted against the veins so you can have landmarks before you begin cannulation/taking blood. Definitely worthwhile having and your patients will thank you" - App Store reviewer, United Kingdom
"I used the app on myself and with a few physician partners and we were surprised by how well it worked. The screenshots shown in the iTunes description don’t do it justice." - Iltifat Husain, MD, iMedicalApps.com
"I just got it today.. Used it on a pt that is shutting down was able to see a few veins wit app n got a line in!!" - Facebook user
"So cool that It can work on darker skin people and lighter skin Asian and white people." - App Store reviewer, China
"Tout simplement génial !! merci pour les gamins en pré hospitalier et les personnes âgées difficiles à perfuser!" - App Store reviewer, France
"I was supremely sceptical, but this does indeed work. Already used to great effect with paediatric patients with chubby arms. Really chuffed to have this on my phone. Do : use the torch Don't: hold too close, or it won't work Do: use the contrast slider to maximise the vein exposure" - App Store reviewer, United Kingdom
"I was skeptical, but holy cow.... it works. I have horrible veins and see them with no problems. Way too cool. Awesome app. Perfect for new nurses." - App Store reviewer, United States
"Ajuda bastante, principalmente com pacientes idosos, emagrecidos e sobrepesos!" - App Store reviewer, Brazil
"I'm happy to tell you that I have been using Vein Seek in Zimbabwe! It's been helpful on our patients who all have dark skin. I've seen veins clarified using your program-- and our patients have very difficult veins to see --- they are volume depleted and our lighting is difficult to adjust. Today we had even a "negative" result that was helpful -- we had a patient that looked like she had no obvious veins. Her arm was in a tourniquet yet with our eyes we could see no veins and on feeling her forearm we could feel no veins. We pulled out Vein Seek and there were no veins. We used a control and looked at the arm of a doctor whose skin color was the same as the patient's-- we were able to easily see the doctor's veins, so we knew the app was working well. Because of Vein Seek we were able to save our time and give up on seeking for a peripheral Vein that wasn't there. The patient was able to avoid excessive poking and prodding because we were able to quickly rule out the possibility of a peripheral IV. Your app is great! I have been sharing it with doctors in Zimbabwe and they have been showing interest in it because they cannulate their own patients." - App Store reviewer (and app creator's friend), United States
"This app was purchased because I'am due to go in for an operation and every time I go into hospital they have ridiculous problems locating veins because they are so deep and small. Several people normally have to come around and try before they can find one. This app is excellent and works wonders with the iPhone torch on and shows up all veins. I'am really impressed with this and will be using this shortly rather than being used as a pin cushion and being threatened that they will cannulate my feet! I would highly recommend this app if you are either looking for veins in someone or if you are someone who is desperate to help medical professionals find them!" - App Store reviewer, United Kingdom
"To sum it all up, the app does what it says. ... It is pretty cool to say the least." - DitchDocEM
Contact Us
If you have questions or comments about VeinSeek Pro or VeinSeek Android, we would love to hear from you. Please reach out to VeinSeek LLC via the form below and we will reply shortly.
Our Home Base in Los Angeles, CA
Privacy Policy (last updated 6/30/2021):
VeinSeek Pro, VeinSeek Android, VeinScanner and VeinScanner Pro request access to your smartphone camera to enable image processing to highlight veins; without this access, there would be no app! All your camera's sensor data stays where it belongs: on your smartphone, not accessed by us. We also request access to your photo library in order to store photos that you capture via the app. We do not access your photo library for any other purpose, nor do we access, store, save or share any photos or photo library data from your smartphone.
VeinScanner Pro uses Apple as a payment provider for paid subscriptions. Apple’s Privacy Policy can be found here.
VeinScanner Pro uses RevenueCat to manage trial versions and paid subscriptions. RevenueCat’s Privacy Policy can be found here. In the case of VeinScanner Pro, RevenueCat collects purchase history information in order to authenticate the user and prevent fraud. This information is not linked to a user’s identity; authentication is performed by means of an anonymous app user ID, without a way to identify individual users.
VeinSeek, LLC does not collect any data about you or your use of any of our apps, except as described above.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your privacy and VeinSeek, VeinScanner or any of our products, contact us: veinseek@gmail.com